Choose to be brave. choose to be free.


April 20-26th, 2025

Early Bird SUMMER SPECIAL pricing available for ONLY July & August!!

Angie Kubin - One Wild Life - Samba to the Sea -116.jpg
Angie Kubin on Beach with Hat

Hola, I’m Angie!

Do you feel stuck within the well rutted road that is your life? Do you find yourself falling into the same patterns and holding onto the same habits that keep you feeling both exhausted and unfulfilled at the very same time? What if there was a road map to break free from old habits that no longer serve you and instead discover more passion, excitement, purpose and joy?

Imagine a future where you thrive in harmony with your true self.

With proven tools and techniques, that is exactly what I am here to help you create.


Life Design Changes Everything


Do you know where you fit into the equation of your life?  Are you able to say with confidence what it is that you will do with this one wild life that you have to live?  What if there was a way to live in these truths? What if you woke up each morning knowing that this day would be full of purpose, and in perfect alignment with what matters most to you? Imagine that your life was a direct reflection of the kind of woman that you truly want to be. That is what Life Design is all about. Bringing who you are into alignment with how you live your life is not an easy task. That is what life design is all about.  

When was the last time you could feel the song in your heart? Has your life turned into a series of needs to be met and problems to be solved, to the point that you rarely experience true joy or catch yourself singing out loud, to your own damn tune? What if, within all the chaos of this life, you heard the sound of your own song again, and that you began to sing along? Imagine life feeling like a dance to this very same song!

Life Design changes everything because Life Design is about investing in the chance to pause, evaluate, really consider and make clear and guided decisions about what we want next for our lives. It changes everything because not only will it help one get on the right path for where they want to be today, but it will also provide one with the roadmap to come back to time and time again when it is time to re-evaluate and pivot once again. For the rest of your life, after making the commitment to go through this in-depth process with a skilled and experienced guide, you will know just what to do when it is time to design a new chapter. How cool is that!?

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 “Tell me, what is it that you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

-Mary Oliver
