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 “I would encourage women to come for many reasons. Meeting like-minded women, sharing the life-altering experiences-both in group and out, and enjoying the beauty of this place. I would tell anyone thinking about attending, that it was not always easy but that it certainly gave me more than it took from me energy-wise and that this experience has left me feeling grounded, revitalized and lighter.”

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 “Of all the things I am taking with me from this experience,  the sense of community is the most important to me. It is amazing to have this group of people who suddenly feel so close in such a short time. Part of the community feeling is that I feel that many of these women share parts, large or small, of my challenges, joys and frustrations.”

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 “I would absolutely encourage women I know to do this. I would particularly encourage woman who are feeling lost in the world and/or are struggling with some life issue.”